Considerate Constructors Scheme

Evans & Co are delighted to announce that they have been awarded a silver award at the 2018 Considerate Constructors Scheme National Site Awards following two bronze awards in 2015 and 2017. We are one of only a small number of companies to have received a bronze award, so to be awarded this twice is a great honour.

The National Company Awards celebrate those companies registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme who have implemented the highest standards of consideration towards the neighbourhood and general public, the workforce and the environment. We are constantly monitored and scored by an associates on behalf of the Considerate Constructors Scheme.  There are five categories that we are inspected on which include; 'Care about Appearance', 'Respect the Community', 'Protect the Environment', 'Secure Everyone’s Safety' and 'Value their Workforce'.

An independent panel reviews every registered company each year based on their performance against the Code of Considerate Practice, and only the highest performing will be selected to receive a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.


Following a recent inspection to one of our London sites, here's an Executive summary carried out by the Considerate Constructors - 

“Evans&Co Ltd continue to show a strong commitment to the CCS and have taken steps to address most of the suggestion from the office report.  The site visited achieved a very good score in all categories.  The appearance of the site is clean and well presented.  With the clear signage and display of CCS banner, posters and various environmental achievements it portrays and excellent image of the construction industry and of the company.  Banded company vans are kept clean and parked considerately.  CCS registration comes over strongly in a very comprehensive induction which also covers many H&S issues.  Community engagement is very good both as a company and by the site locally.  The workforce have given their time to assist the local charities and have been keen to find new good will gestures.  All those affected by works are kept regularly informed.  Environmental performance is recorded well and the site proudly display their achievement of 99.1% recycling along with carbon footprint and offsetting initiatives.  Safety comes across strongly with regular H&S inspections. There is a very good understanding of CLOCS ( with posters displayed.  Consideration should be given to becoming a CLOCS champion as the company are clearly already compliant. The workforce are well provided for meeting both their physical and psychological needs.  Facilities are good. Overall this is an excellent site and a very positive visit.”